Wednesday, June 20, 2012

PowerBlock Adjustable Dumbbells

Since I started my fitness journey in June of 2010, I've been using bands.  A band came with Power 90, and that was what I had, so that was what I used.  When I started P90x, I got some heavier duty bands, but they were cheap and portable.  I then got some more bands to bring them with me when I have to travlel for work, which is almost weekly.  I was able to make very good progress with Power 90, P90x, P90x2, and Asylum, all using only bands.

Eventually I wanted to take it to the next level.  With a small area to work out in, and an even smaller area to keep all my stuff, I knew adjustable dumbbells were the way I wanted to go.  The big players in the market are the Bowflex SelectTechs and PowerBlocks.  There are also a number of light weight, less expensive models, but I wanted something that would hold up and be safe in the home with my small children.

Why PowerBlocks?

After weighing the pros and cons of each, I decided on the PowerBlocks.  The biggest factor for me was the shape.  They could double as push-up stands and be used for many of the moves that were introduced in P90x2.  Also, the square shape means they wouldn't roll around.  They are also very compact, taking up floor space of about 6" x 12" each.  Another major factor for me was their upgradeability.  You can buy expansion packs to go from the base weight all the way to 175 pounds in some models.

Which PowerBlock Model?

PowerBlocks come in 3 different models or series; urethane, sport, and classic.  They are all the same in function with slight variations in the exact design.  The urethane series has a protective coating for added durability.  Since they all look and function very similarly, I went with the classic series that goes up to 45 lbs, purely for the fact that I was able to get it with free shipping through Amazon Prime.  The weight would be enough for now, and shipping on a 100 lb package would generally be cost prohibitive.

My PowerBlock Review

In three words, I Love Them.  The size is great.  They fit my hand very well.  For me, there is more than enough weight for anything P90x has.  I can see chest presses in P90x2 needing more weight, but I'll worry about that later.  The weights are quick and easy to change, and they feel very secure.  I'm not worried about smashing my face.  They are exactly what I was looking for in an adjustable dumbbell and I'm glad I chose them.

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