Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mind Over Matter

We've all heard the phrase Mind Over Matter.  When it comes to fitness and nutrition, this comes into play every day.  Think about the last time you were getting ready to work out.  Did you consider sleeping in or maybe jsut watching a little more TV instead?  Think about the last time you went to your favorite restaurant.  Did you consider the fried chicken dinner or the chocolate cake for dessert?  Maybe you indulged your wants; maybe you thought about how they may sabotage your long term goals.  If you want to make fitness a lifestyle, be able to show off your body at the beach, set a great example for your family and friends, or run that race, you have to place mind over matter and do the right thing.


No matter what your workout routine is, there are things you don't really like.  For me, the first couple times I did P90x, I hated yoga, every minute of it.  In Insanity, it was squat jacks and the entire Pure Cardio DVD.  When the workout came up on the calendar, I always considered skipping it or subbing in something I liked more.  But, I did the workouts because I had a goal.  I knew that I could do the workouts, and I knew they were there for a reason, so, I put mind over matter and pushed play.  You need to understand your WHY?.  Why did you decide to start working out?  Why did you choose the program you did?  What are the consequences to you for not working out?  What are the consequences to your loved ones?  Keep that in mind when you are wavering.  Will skipping a one hour workout start you back on the road to your old ways?  People have gotten off the rails over less.


I really wanted barbecue ribs today.  I caught a whiff of them while I was walking down the street and my mouth reflexively started watering.  I could have went out and got them, but I knew that I would have also ended up with a full slab of ribs, and salad, bread, and some pasta.  It's a very tasty meal, but it's about 1500 calories.  So, i went to the grocery store and got a salad.  We're all faced with these challenges every day.  Our bodies are programmed to look for calorie dense foods.  Unfortunately, calories are in abundance nowadays.  We need to look for nutrient dense foods filled with lean protein, healthy fats, and whole grains.  Sure, we might say we'll just have a bite, or one piece, or one drink.  But how often does it stop there.  If we were all built with the willpower to resist the foods that have been expanding our waistlines over the years, our waists wouldn't have expanded.  You have to place mind over matter; your goals over that pie.

Getting in shape, eating right, working out, maintaining your's not easy.  I've heard that it takes about 3 days of clean eating and hard exercise to make up for one cheat meal.  Next time before you decide to skip your workout or have that dessert, decide if the short-term pleasure is more important to you than your long-term wellness goals.  Remember
Mind Over Matter

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