Monday, May 7, 2012

Do Your Yoga

In P90x, one of the most common questions I get is, "What can I do instead of the Yoga?".  Believe me I understand.  I would say that I completed the yoga about 3 times in my first time through P90x and there were a number of times where I didn't even attempt it.  First of all, it's long.  90 minutes is a long chunk of time to fit into your day, especially if you normally budget an hour.  Second of all, it's hard.  The first 45 minutes is a series of vinyasas that seems to go on forever and really works your shoulders, arms, core, flexibility, and every other inch of your body.  Then after you're worn out, you have to try a bunch of balance poses, and then pretty hard ab work, and THEN you get to stretch.

Tony Horton has said that if he only had one workout to do for the rest of his life, it would be yoga.  With that in mind, when I started P90x2 in January, I was determined to give yoga my all.  P90x2 yoga is just over an hour, which is nice, but it isn't any easier.  In fact, there are some serious advanced variations that are demonstrated when you are ready to really, really take it to the next level.  I found that I started to really like the yoga.  I actually looked forward to it.  I started to get better at the poses - not good by any means (just check out one of my YouTube clips).  I started to feel the benefits.  I had better balance, strength, and flexibility.  When P90x2 was over, I tried out the P90x One on One Fountain of Youth Yoga.  It's about 45 minutes but still very intense with a good variety of poses.   

Public Classes

So now that I had a variety of yoga DVDs in my repertoire, and I enjoyed them, I was ready to conquer a new hurdle - a public yoga class.  It's one thing to embarrass yourself at home, it's another to join a group of people and do it.  I had taken an introductory class a few years ago and hated every minute of it.  As I was getting ready to take the class, I imagined a room full of super thin, super flexible people that could effortlessly do any and all poses.  I pushed that fear to the back of my mind and went to my first class.  It was a basic vinyasa yoga class in a room heated to 90 degrees.  It was HOT.  It was difficult.  But, there wasn't anything I hadn't done or seen before.  And, as far as the participants, I was probably one of the stronger people.  There was a wide variety of people there of varying ages, sizes, flexibilities, etc.  So, it was a hit.  I've been back a couple times to try a couple different classes.  One had a ton of movement and was in a room heated to 105.  That was one of the more intense experiences of my life.  But, when I was done, I was proud of myself and I felt great.  The guy who hated yoga a few months ago now enjoys doing yoga in public.

Top 5 Reasons to Do Yoga

I know alot of you don't like the yoga, but from a newly reformed yoga lover, here are some great reasons to do your yoga.
  1. Increased Flexibility.  Yoga forces your into uncomfortable positions, but if you don't work at it, you won't get better
  2. Improved Balance.  Doing anything on one leg is difficult.  The more you can do balance poses, the more you will strengthen your support muscles.
  3. Improved Core Strength.  Again, the balance postures and well as vinyasas encourage you to engage your core to support you and keep you from falling over.  The more core engagement, the stronger your core.
  4. Relaxation.  I know that when you're doing P90x yoga, you probably aren't relaxing.  But, if you can get rid of the distractions and focus on your breathing, you will relax.
  5. Rejuvenation.  Yoga incorporates alot of stretching.  There is a lot of hard work involved, but if you breathe, give it your best, and push yourself, you'll feel great when you're done and one step closer to liking it.
So, next time yoga day rolls around.  Don't put it off.  Don't dread it.  Do Your YOGA!!!

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