Friday, March 2, 2012

Diet On The Road - ADAPT

I'm on the road almost weekly for my job.  That means on Monday mornings I get up between 3 and 4 am, head to the airport, fly a few hours, head straight to an office, and then work a full day.  From there, I head to my hotel to do my workout, then have dinner and sleep.

To try to stick to my nutrition goals, I like to head to a grocery store to get some of my meals.  This week, when I was there, I was starving.  I had a normal breakfast and a protein bar mid-morning, but I wanted to eat everything.  I could tell by how tasty the carbs all looked.  I settled on some backed wings and carrots, and some mixed fruit.  I had the rest of the day planned in my head with Shakeology as an afternoon snack, results and recovery post workout, a salad and tuna for dinner with some cheese,

As I was loading the plan into MyFitnessPal, I was way over my budgeted calories and carbs for the day.  So, I had to ADAPT.  I moved my Shakeology to be my post workout drink and skipped the cheese.  That got me right to me daily calorie goal and skipped a bunch of carbs and fat.

Something I read last week said "always know what you're going to eat next."  If you plan ahead of time, sticking to your goals is much easier and you can still be flexible enough to go out to eat with friends and family.

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