Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Coach Mike - Checking In

How's everyone doing this week?  I'm on week 11 of my P90X2 journey.  I’m just switched the 3rd and final phase, Performance.  The main focus of the performance phase is to train like an athlete using a methodology called post-activation potentiation.  Expect to see a write up in the next week or so on it.  The workouts are short, but they are hard, they get your moving, they get you sweating, and I may have even cursed at the TV a little.

Has everyone entered the Beachbody Challenge?  If not, you need to.  There's no cost, all you have to do is what you're already doing to get in shape and hang out on TeamBeachbody.com.  And the good part, you have a chance to win $500 daily, you'll get a T-Shirt for completing your program, and you could win up to $100,000.  What's not to love about that?  The biggest part of the challenge for me, what has been my greatest motivator is the "before" picture.  It was looking at a vacation picture and not recognizing the guy in the photo that got me started down this fitness path, and when I need a little extra jolt to keep pressing on, I look at the guy in the picture and I know I can't go back there anymore.  If you haven't already taken your picture, go do it now, even if you have to use your phone in front of the mirror, do it.  As you get closer to your goals, you'll be proud to show people how far you've come.

I continue to build out the content on Team-TCF.com.  I'm going to hit on the topics that are interesting to me, but if you have any ideas, send me a message.  Also, feel free to subscribe so you don't miss anything.  Also, please share any comments or ideas that you have on the articles.  You all have potential to be mentors to each other with your own experiences and perspectives, so use the site for that forum.  You can do the same on the Facebook site, www.facebook.com/teamTCF.  It's still a work in progress too, but I'm sure you get the concept.

Two things I ask:
If you have a question, ask.  Send me an email, find me on a thread, come to my YouTube site, the Team-TCF Facebook page, or Team-TCF.com.  I want to help and your questions help me learn what is important to everyone.
I’m always here for you, but remember that the way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission from any Beachbody products that you purchase, as long as I’m your coach and you buy them through my site, http://beachbodycoach.com/mikegurka, or by logging in to http://www.teambeachbody.com to do your shopping (If you buy from the plain Beachbody site, I get no credit).  It helps with the amount of time I spend researching and answering any of your questions and helping you out.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
- Coach Mike
--“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

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