Thursday, July 19, 2012

Working Out In The Summer Heat

We're in the dead of summer right now. I've spent the past month travelling between Texas, Illinois, and Connecticut.  It's been hot everywhere.  Next up, I head to Phoenix, AZ for a week.  I love the heat, but it can be a bear for your workouts.  I generally workout inside, but every so often, it's nice to get out and stretch my legs outside.

You want to stay safe and healthy, and sunburn, dehydration, and sun stroke are not good examples of perfect health.  If you are going to workout outdoors in the summer, there are some special precautions you need to take. 

Top 5 Safety Tips for Summer Workouts

Stay Hydrated

Make sure you drink enough water before, during, and after your workout.  You're going to sweat, alot.  Keeping your body full of fluids will stave off any nasty dehydration.

Don't Overdo It

As your body gets worn down, you are more susceptible to exhaustion and dehydration.  Pay attention to your body.  Understand what it is telling you.  It wants to protect itself, so heed its warnings.

Work Out Early or Late

The early morning and later evening hours are the coolest times of the day.  You can get the benefits of the fresh air without all of the associated heat and UV rays.  You may have to shift your workout time a bit, but it would be worth it.

Wear Light Clothing and Sunscreen

Dark colors absorb heat.  Light colors don't absorb as much so they will not be as hot. Lighter weight clothing will also help keep you cool.  Be smart about what your wearing.  Also, make sure to wear enough sunscreen to protect the parts of your body that aren't clothed.  Sunburn is bad for your body.  You should wear it everyday, but make sure while you're working out, that you stay protected.

Use Your Brain

It's summer.  Summer is hot.  Too much heat is bad for your body.  Be smart.

Take in the beautiful summer weather.  The sunshine is good for you, but please...
Stay Safe Out There.

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