Sunday, July 1, 2012

Coach Mike - Checking In

What's up everyone? I'm still on my mass building P90x plan but I'm getting ready to take a detour.  I just switched up the workouts and it was good to remember back to my first weeks of P90x.  Last week I mentioned that I get bored easily.  To that end, I decided to purchase the new Body Beast program and am going to start trying that out next week.  I'm not going to officially start until August after my family vacation, but I want to get in as much as possible before then.  Look for alot of Body Beast info in the next few weeks as I start to figure it out.  How are your programs going?  What about your diet?  Be sure to keep the questions and feedback flowing.  If you have a good story to share, send it to me and I can share it with the team.

This week I focused more on weight and fat loss than I have in any prior week.  I started the week with my current best tips for weight loss nutrition.  When you're starting out, it's hard to know if you're on the right path, so I wanted to let you know what worked best for me.  Next up was a spotlight on CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid.  It's a great supplement, from a natural source, if you are looking to help your body use up its fat stores.  Then, for a little product placement, I talked about some new product highlights in the Beachbody family of products. The big thing out of there for me, is that now for $14.95 for shipping, you can get a challenge pack of P90x, Brazil Butt Lift, or TurboFire, and a 30 day supply of Shakeology.  If you like it, you pay the full price.  If not, you can return it and all you're out is $15.  Last up for the week, I talked about portion sizes.  It's hard to know how much you should be eating, unless you're carrying a food scale with you everywhere you go.  Use this as a handy guide to keep your diet in line.

In the next week or two, look for a newly redesigned Team TCF site.  I'm looking to make it a little slicker, give you more information, but still get all of the news and articles that I can share with you.

Who wants to have another promotion this month?  If I here from at least 10 of you by the end of the week that you are up for it and will participate, I'll put up another prize.  If you have suggestions on improving how I ran it, let me know.

One thing that I've found as I've gone on my journey is that when there is positive motivation and competition, you can really push yourself further.  If you need proof, check out the X2 Crew.  I'm starting up health and fitness challenge groups of 5-15 people each. The concept is simple. Nutrition + Fitness + Support = Success.  Many of you are already working through a program, but if you are sitting there, unhappy with how you feel and look, and are truly serious about making a change, then message me.  This could be your time.  If your friends, family, and coworkers have been on the fence about getting started on the road to better health, bring them along.  This won't be some group that you will probably forget about in two weeks. There will be REQUIREMENTS. I'm serious about getting people in shape, so if you are serious about getting in shape, then let's do it. This is not a half-commitment, because those will NEVER get you to your goal. If you want real commitment, this is your chance.
Get in touch with me at at if you want more details

Two things I ask:

If you have a question, ask.  Visit me on the Team-TCF Facebook page or  Come to my YouTube site.  You can even go old school and send me an email.  I want to help and your questions help me learn what is important to everyone.
I’m always here for you, but remember that the way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission from any Beachbody products that you purchase, as long as I’m your coach and you buy them through my site,, or by logging in to to do your shopping (If you buy from the plain Beachbody site, I get no credit).  It helps with the amount of time I spend researching and answering any of your questions and helping you out.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
- Coach Mike
--“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

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