Sunday, July 8, 2012

Coach Mike - Checking In

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July, I know I did.  It's great to get a mid-week chance to spend time with friends and family and break up the work week. I started Body Beast this week and so far, I really enjoy it.  It's a great change of pace from what I've been doing, and I firmly believe that muscle confusion means muscle growth, so I'm excited.  How are your wrokouts going?  Are you getting results?  Be sure to keep the questions and feedback flowing.  If you have a good story to share, send it to me and I can share it with the team.

This week I wanted to discuss more about body building, so gaining mass and cutting fat.  First off this week was lessons from the Book of Beast. The Book of Beast is the guide book that comes with Body Beast and it's more that just a straight forward diet and exercise book.  It tackles the mental side of working out as well.  For my supplement spotlight this week I talked about l-Carnitine.  It's a non-essential amino acid that helps your body use fat more easily as an energy source.  That definitely seems like a good thing when you are trying to build muscle and get leaner.  Last up this week was a discussion of what equipment you need to Body Beast.  A standard body building plan has you in the gym lifiting big, heavy weights.  For the home workout, that's not always an option.  I break down what will work from the bare bones budget version to the ultimate Body Beast gym.

In the next week or two, look for a newly redesigned Team TCF site.  I'm looking to make it a little slicker, give you more information, but still get all of the news and articles that I can share with you.

I’ve been using Shakeology for about 10 months now. I’ve tried three varieties, Chocolate, Greenberry, and Tropical Strawberry, and I have enjoyed each of them in different ways. There is also a new vegan Chocolate Shakeology available.  Chocolate is definitely my go to flavor, but I mix in the others from time to time for variety. Tropical Shakeology is a vegan option made completely from whole-food sources. My transition to Shakeology was a major step in kick-starting my stalled improvements and I feel better in general because of it. I can honestly say that I fully believe in this product and its health and nutrition benefits, and will be a lifelong user.  In fact, I’m such a believer that I will send you a FREE sample, out of my pocket, if you want to try it out. If you aren’t truly interested, don’t bother. It costs me over $5 of my own money to send you a sample. If you are interested, but are hesitant because of the taste or side effects, request a free sample. Let me know here or by sending me an email at I will need your full shipping address and your flavor preference (Chocolate, Tropical, or Greenberry).  Remember that if you choose to order it, it will count toward an entry in this month's promotion.

Two things I ask:
If you have a question, ask.  Visit me on the Team-TCF Facebook page or  Come to my YouTube site.  You can even go old school and send me an email.  I want to help and your questions help me learn what is important to everyone.
I’m always here for you, but remember that the way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission from any Beachbody products that you purchase, as long as I’m your coach and you buy them through my site,, or by logging in to to do your shopping (If you buy from the plain Beachbody site, I get no credit).  It helps with the amount of time I spend researching and answering any of your questions and helping you out.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
- Coach Mike
--“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

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