Friday, June 8, 2012

Coach Mike - Checking In

What's up Team TCF? This week I'm basically back in P90x mode, trying to work on building mass.  It's been nice to get back to the original P90x for a change of pace.  How are your workouts going?  What is keeping you motivated?  I learn from you all, so keep the questions and feedback flowing.  If you have a good story to share, send it to me and I can share it with the team.

This week's blogs were kind of based in what I've been thinking about as I've gone into this mass building most? I started out the week discussing one of the most popular mass building supplements, Creatine.  I have been using it on and off for the past several months, and have started back on this week.  Next on the list was an article more for the guys about building your chest with push-ups.  Adding variety in width and angle of push-ups to whatever workout you are doing will help you build your pecs.  After that, I talked about the soon to be released program Body Beast.  Trainer Sagi Kalev is going to show you how to build mass and lose fat in this all new bodybuilding style workout.  Finally, for a little kick in the pants, I reminded you to put mind over matter when it comes to your fitness and nutrition.  Keep your goals at the front of your mind to push the short-term desires that are destructive to the back.

I’ve been using Shakeology for about 10 months now. I’ve tried all three varieties, Chocolate, Greenberry, and Tropical Strawberry, and I have enjoyed each of them in different ways. Chocolate is definitely my go to flavor, but I mix in the others from time to time for variety. Tropical Shakeology is a vegan option made completely from whole-food sources. My transition to Shakeology was a major step in kick-starting my stalled improvements and I feel better in general because of it. I can honestly say that I fully believe in this product and its health and nutrition benefits, and will be a lifelong user.  In fact, I’m such a believer that I will send you a FREE sample, out of my pocket, if you want to try it out. If you aren’t truly interested, don’t bother. It costs me over $5 of my own money to send you a sample. If you are interested, but are hesitant because of the taste or side effects, request a free sample. Let me know here or by sending me an email at I will need your full shipping address and your flavor preference (Chocolate, Tropical, or Greenberry).  Remember that if you choose to order it, it will count toward an entry in this month's promotion.

Two things I ask:
If you have a question, ask.  Visit me on the Team-TCF Facebook page or  Come to my YouTube site.  You can even go old school and send me an email.  I want to help and your questions help me learn what is important to everyone.
I’m always here for you, but remember that the way I benefit from being your coach is that I earn a commission from any Beachbody products that you purchase, as long as I’m your coach and you buy them through my site,, or by logging in to to do your shopping (If you buy from the plain Beachbody site, I get no credit).  It helps with the amount of time I spend researching and answering any of your questions and helping you out.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
- Coach Mike
--“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

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