Some time in the past few weeks Beachbody put out an article about DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness, and since I'm living it, I wanted to write about it. If you've ever lifted weights and been sore the next day (or week) then you've experienced DOMS. Many of us, when we first hit the gym feel invigorated, like we can move the world; and we try. The downside is that eventually your adrenaline wears off, but not after you've thrown more iron than you have in the last 2 years combined. The result, you wake up the next morning and can't lift your arms, walk without hobbling, and your back hurts. That's DOMS.
My take is that it is basically muscle soreness. You know that when you lift weights, you cause tiny tears in your muscles and the healing and rebuilding is what makes them grow. When you lift alot more than you're used to, which you should if you want to build muscle, you're going to break down your body a bit. When you get roughed up a bit, you're sore. This is no different. Now, this shouldn't be a sharp or acute pain, it should be mild soreness and stiffness. If it's any more than that, see a medical professional.
I personally take the soreness as a bit of a badge of honor. It tells me that I worked hard and will be rewarded. I mentioned that I'm living alot of DOMS right now with my Body Beast workouts. My legs get it the worst. I've found that foam rolling or rumble rolling after my cool down have had good effects, but I don't really have a control to work against to scientifically prove it. For me, the rolling works, so I'm going to keep it up. I'm giving just about everything I can in each workout, so I'm expecting the DOMS.
Are you experiencing DOMS? Just accept it, live with it, and be proud knowing that you worked hard.
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